Wednesday, April 13, 2011


yep... that's what I said when I stepped on the scale today. How in the heck does a person gain 9.3 pounds in a day!!!! Yep that's right, you read that properly... Yesterday when I stepped on the scale for my other weight loss challenge the scale read 239.5 and I was totally excited since that was 5.9 lbs down from my previous week's weigh... I was so happy to not only say good by to the 250's during this challenge but also the 240's and now to learn today that it was all for nothing...

Honestly though this puts me at a 3.4 lb gain from last week's Shrinking Jeans weigh in, but I am more confused about that 9.3 lbs in a day... I am hoping that maybe it has something to do with weighing at a different time, after 2 meals (breakfast and lunch) and consuming 70+ ozs of water for the day... but still I was feeling so good about this.

Even though this is the last weigh in for this current challenge at the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans, I am hoping to continue on with this journey... and even more I am hoping that my dear friend Mae will continue on the journey with me as well...

Here are my goals for this coming week:
Walk outside at least 3 times -- weather is getting nice again
Follow my diet ... NO CHEATING
Journal all my food eating
Drink my water
Take time for me.

Happy Shrinking Everyone!!!

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